Saturday, 25 September 2010

First Assignment Progress

At the second meeting we discussed how each of us was progressing with our individual research topics. We were able to help each other by suggesting websites or people who could be approached for more information. As a group we thought it would be best to keep in touch via Facebook as a common link.

Afterwards, I went onto the Fair Trade website, where I was able to find a lot of information including short video clips of farmers at work from different Fair Trade towns, who were reflecting about how being part of Fair Trade has given them and their communities a better life.
I am interested in looking into the Third World Countries which have become involved in the Fair Trade Foundation Fair Trade has had on the communitity as a whole. Has it reduced the amount of poverty within these countries ?

Below I have put together a mind map of different aspects of Fair Trade.

3rd Year - Assignment 1

For this assignment I'm meeting up with my other team members on a regular basis to discuss our progress on each of our individual research topics. During the first meeting we all selected a topic of interest and had a brief discussion on what we thought each topic covered. We also thought about the relevance each one had to design and suggested any ideas that we could think of at the time. For example I am going to be looking into Fair Trade and how it links to design. Suggestions were to look into the branding and advertising of the Fair Trade mark. Is the mark designed and illustrated to its advantage? Are most people aware of the importance of the Fair Trade mark?
During this meeting we discussed what research methods we could use to develop our understanding. Methods suggested included cross-search, library resources, internet, brainstorming, group disscussions and a mind map which could be ongoing.

Below is a mindmap summarising all the points discussed during the first meeting,including the different topics each of us is looking into.