The first part of the assignment required taking a Vark test to see which type of learner I was.
My results were as follows:
Activist - Low, Reflector - moderate, Theorist - Low , Pragmatist - low.
This showed that I am mainly a reflector when learning, which is the one I predicted for myself before taking the test. I was quite surprised by only being a moderate reflector as I feel I like to take my time over different tasks and collect more than enough information before reaching an outcome, especially in my design practice. I like to hear what other people have to say before I express my own ideas and opinions, especially in group discussions. I tend to observe others and their ways of working. I enjoy and appreciate projects when there are no tight deadlines involved, as I tend to panic when there is pressure to finish something or when given a task without much notice or preparation time. At the end of a project I like to see where I can make improvements.
I am definitely not a pragmatist as I am not usually keen to try out new things straight away.
After taking the Vark test, I had to meet with the rest of the team to discuss my results and predict what type of learner each of them is.
The team result was as follows:
4 Activists
2 Reflectors
1 Theorist
There are a variety of learner types within the group which is an advantage when carrying out team projects and discussions. This probably allows us to work well together, making us quite efficient as a team. As we have a mixture of learning styles each person can contribute as we have different ways of approaching things. There are no pragmatists, but I feel as a group we are able to adapt our ways of learning to suit the joint task to help us achieve something which might have to be approached in a different way. I sometimes have to alter my approach depending on the type of brief. My latest brief was very different, which challenged my research methods and usual ways of thinking, so I had to adapt to suit the task.
Everyone in the group had to predict what type of learner each of us was. Some of the results were quite surprising and we realised we didn't know each other as well as we thought we did.
I think the group will be able to understand each others’ ways of thinking more as we continue to work together on future tasks.