Sunday, 6 March 2011

Creating Sustainable Designs


I came across a website called Junky Styling. They create individu
al, unique, timeless one-off pieces recycled from second hand clothing. The business is all about creating sustainable designs and promoting ethical consumerism.
Everything they produce is recycled, deconstructed, recut and transformed in
to a new garment. All the items are different, no two are the same. They are trying to inspire their customers to look at and think again about disgarding clothes and get them transformed into a one -off piece. The customers themselves can be involved in the re- designing process of their piece.
The eco fashion business promote ethical consumerism, they have happy employees in a good working environment and there is no
pollution involved in the production process. Everything used and displayed in the shop is either recycled, Fair Trade, made from organic materials or ethically produced.
They are also considering training up local communities to create and recycle like themselves.
I have shown some examples of their one off recycled pieces. I think it is a way forward for the future regarding sustainable, ecological, ethical and organic fa

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Eco Furniture and Interior Designs

Lucy Renshaw is a designer who creates one -off furniture interior pieces, at the same time tackling environmental issues by using recycled materials to create vibrant, exciting new products. Her work is inspired by her travels. She uses recycled materials, embellishing them with embroidery and stitching and other craft techniques which are all ethically produced and eco- friendly.
I thought Lucy's work was interesting and relevant as our business idea doesn't just consider second hand clothing but also incorporates creating interior products and assessories from recycled materials.
Below is a collection of some of her colourful, sustainable one -off pieces