Sunday, 11 October 2009

"The Tipping Point" - Assignment 1

Assignment 1- was to create a general mindmap on "The Tipping Point", pick a chapter and go into detail on it. The second mind map is on the stickiness factor, including detail on Sesame street, Blues clues and Advertising aswel as researcher names and psychologists. This is the first time i have properly completed a mind map, and i have to say i found it quite tricky as i dont usually work this way, especially following Tony Buzans technique.
At first i wondered why we had to read "The Tipping Point" as i couldnt understand how it was connected to design. As i read through it, i realised how relevant it is, as it talks about design in a problem solving sense especially the Stickiness chapter which i studyed in detail. Iv managed to do the general mind map, after rereading the book for a second time. I needed to refresh myself with different sections in the book before attempting to do the mind map. I found reading it for a second time alot easier and once id read it, alot of it came back to me. I was quite surprised with how much i remembered especially when we discussed it at the seminar. It all came back to me as soon as i scanned over the first few paragraphs of each chapter. Rereading it is probably a good idea, as its alot easier to understand and everything comes together.
I didnt think i would enjoy the Tipping Point but i actually found some points in the book very interesting. It makes me look at some aspects in a different light, question and think about different cirumstances you are surrounded by constantly throughout life. The section on Sesame Street was engaging. All the effort and time put into the programme is quite extrodinary and most people wont realise how much it was worked on, to get it 'just right'. The amount of experimentation involved is unbelievable. Thinking about it now, everyone who helped make the programme must of learned so much about kids and their behaviour patterns. Is it just the muppets in it that keeps them interested? or are they acutally understanding the narrative of it all? All this was put to test through several experiments to find out what they needed to know to make the programme a success and become sticky!
The Tipping point overal i think is an eyeopener to what goes on around you and others and makes you think about things in a different way. I would definlaty recommend the book as i think anyone would find it interesting and learn something from it.

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