Sunday, 15 November 2009

Assignment 3 - Secondary Research Skills


Assignment 3 was to research the topic i discussed in assignment 2 ( Interactive Voting) and advance my understanding of it by finding different resources using the crosssearch tool. It was hard getting used to the crosssearch tool as finding relevant information was difficult. I found a mix of articles, journals and books which i feel were relevant for research and which could help broaden my understanding on interactive voting. Below i have listed 7 different resources i found relevant and which could be useful.

Chayko, M (1993) How you "Act Your Age" When You Watch Tv, Sociological Forum, Vol. 8, No. 4 pp. 573-593: Springer

Mary Chayko talks about the normal factors which have an effect on viewing time. Chakyo discovered that these factors are more suited to the younger youth or young adults rather than the older generation. Researching a General Social Survey revealed that as people age they have different reasons for viewing and to obtain a more accurate result more research including a age appropiate survey would be required to find reasons for viewing across adult life span. This connects to the tv voting as this method of voting is more suited to younger viewers voting and not so suited for older adults.

Fournier, p (2003) Issue Importance And Performance Voting, Political Behavior, Vol. 25, No. 1 pp. 51-67: Springer

In political voting individuals give more attention and thought to issues which they feel are important when making choices. If they feel the issue they are being asked to vote for is important, they are more likely to 'weigh up' the government's performance on that particular issue when choosing. It highlights that in interactive votes for soaps the issues individuals are being asked to vote for have to enthuse and interest them.

Herrnson, PS (2007) Voting Technology: The Not- So- Simple Act Of Casting A Ballot, Washington D.C: Brookings Institution Press

It disscusses in depth different voting systems available and compares them against a criteria eg. speed, accuracy etc. It questions whether electronic voting systems are accurate. Do the voting systems show true votes? Does the electronic voting system experience allow votes to be accuratly cast? This questions whether older adults are able to work the electronic system aswel as the younger generation. Is the majority vote cast by the younger generation? - as the electronic system is not suited for the older generation and so it may not be a realistic vote.

Mares, M (1996) The Role Of Source Confusions In Television's Cultivation Of Social Reality Judgements, Human Communication Research, Volume 23 issue 2, Pages 278 - 297: International Communication Association

Marie - Louise - Mares is discussing that what people watch on tv is confusing peoples perception of reality and has become distorted. Fact and fiction can be similary protrayed in programmes and so adds to viewers confusion. It could question whether electronic viewing in interactive shows is carried out properly. It is important in tv programmes to keep issues real to life.

Vildjiounaite, E (2009) Unobtrusive dynamic modelling of TV programme preferences in a Finnish household, Multimedia Systems 15 (3): 143-157: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg

This research was aimed out in Finland. A model for a multi-user environment was used to gather programme choices within any particular family, eliminates the need to collate individual preferences which can be time consuming in a multi-user environment. They found the system used to be accurate against complicated individual user ratings. It would seem a less time consuming method of collating preferences in a multi-user environment - ie a family.

West, D.M (1994) 'Television Advertising In Election Campaigns', Political Science Quarterly, Vol. 109, No. 5 pp. 789-809: The Academy Of Political Science

Darrell M. West talks about spot ads being used for party political broadcasts - there is no research of success in getting the vote. A similiar technique is used for plots and soaps and as it is shown regulary it probably does encourage viewers to watch and vote for particular plots and storylines.

Williams, J.A (2005) " On The Popular Vote", Political Research Quarterly, Vol. 58, No. 4 pp. 637-646: Sage Publications, Inc.

In America voting has become a dramatic element in highly successful reality tv. It talks about how people would rather vote for reality tv than make a political vote. It compares reality tv to political voting. This questions whether voting for reality tv is nothing more than just a peronsal preference creating confusion over fact and fiction. People view voting politically as just a show- and no evaluating has been considered. It could explain the lack of enthusiasm for political voting. If electronic voting systems are too widely used for 'reality' Tv then it takes empasis off the important voting issues eg. Political voting.

For Assignment 3b i picked 5 websites i thought would be useful for keeping up to date in Textiles and then picked another 5 websites useful for up to date news and information outwith Textiles.
5 websites related to textiles

1. This is a good blog to look at. She is an Interior textile designer who regulary updates her page. Her work is inspiring to look at.

2.A few years ago i heard about Timorous Beasties and found their stuff very interesting. They experiment with interior wallpapers and traditional textiles. They are experimental with hand printing and machine production. They often use naturalistic images of the natural environment as inspiration. I found this of particular interest as i often use nature as an inspirational source.

3. Vogue is a more commonly known magazine compared to Selvedge. It is similar in that it gives you the latest updates on fashion aswel as style. It writes about trends, fashion and is full of advertisements. Online it gives you a regular update on news in the world of fashion.

4. Fashion trendsetter gives all the up to date fashion and colour forcasting news. They have different colour and trend directions for each season. Colour is a big aspect in my work and so this site is particularly good for checking the colour trends out.

5. It is an online fashion trend forcasting service. They bring together different trends of the world and present them as visuals.

5 websites of personal interest outwith textiles


1Flickr is a photosharing website. I love looking at photography for inspiration and ideas. It can help you think of an idea, and can inspire you to go out and take your own photographs.

2I only just found this webpage the other day. It is very interesting to me as i am very inspired by photography. He regularly updates his website with new photography. Traveling and looking at photography of different places in the world is also something i like looking at and reading about. It quite often has a big influence in my work.

3. Variant is trying to promote and improve the publics education, providing information on political and cultural issues aswel as art.

4. This is good for keeping up with whats happening in the world. As designers you have to keep up with the outside world so that you can design for it.

5. Gives you news and update information on different places in the world. I love reading about different countries and their cultures. The website is full of articles to read.

I thought i would add this website in as i find it really interesting. A Website on our planet and wildlife. It is full with information on different issues and topics around the world.

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